What Remains of a Country for this Old Man?

There is no country for old men, amidst the tiresome slumber of ignorance-claiming-honor. A division so twisted as if the rusting wreckage of a drunken freeway collision.

Andrew Somers
Published in
5 min readAug 1, 2023


Smashed in rusting cars on a barren wasteland
“It's not that bad, it just needs a little paint…” — Image by AngryAndrew/MJAI

All I can see in every direction is a wasteland of empty vessels, bearing labels of faux virtues, making claims of moral superiority, and supported only by a grotesquely self-entitled “woke cancel culture” which is nothing but a dog whistle for abject, fascist censorship.

…there is no moral high ground for those who cancel…

thin trees and transparent panels of color, with women facing away in color coordinated outfits… Style reminiscent of Rene Magritte
“Isn't everything so perfect when we don't look at reality” — Image by AngryAndrew/MJAI

In debate competitions, using an ad hominem is a losing strategy. Yet increasingly, the Left’s rhetoric has amounted to nothing but an endless string of ad hominems, if not outright dishonesty. The right’s good&evil, B&W binary propaganda is not measurably better, as they clearly ignore the gradient spectrum of reality, viewed through the lens of their own myopic elitism.

The world is not binary, nor does it exist as black and white. The world and our human societies upon it, exist in a spectrum; a plurality of overlapping gradients and undulating colors.

Abstract undulating colors of blue yellow red and brown
“Curves of twisting colors” — Image by AngryAndrew/MJAI

How big an alarm clock do we need to drag all to a state of actually awake? I’m not a Trump supporter, but Biden is worse, wreaking havoc for decades in the Senate. It was Biden’s 1994 crime bill that ushered in the massive expansion of prisons, which enabled the United States to become the world’s largest prison state, with more people in prison per capita than any other nation; more even than totalitarian nations like China and Russia.

A giant o'clock against the dark in the sky alone figure stairs upon it in the distance
“What time the clock does say?“ — Image by AngryAndrew/MJAI

I identify as progressive, which I assert is neither left, nor right. Progressive is up. Yet many on the left attempt to co-opt the term, without the slightest idea of what progressivism is actually about. I supported Bernie Sanders and worked on his campaign, but I watched in horror as the neo-liberal Left, corporate media, and the well-heeled lobbyists of foreign nations, all conspire to shut him out, to make way for puppet du jour.

“Puppetry of the P… well, you know the rest” — Image by AngryAndrew/MJAI

To be sure, we are witnessing a chaos of division and a nation folding over against itself, with the bewildered body politic grasping at anything that resembles a life raft—if all you have to grapple at is a plastic trash bin, well, a big enough garbage-bucket does float in a way, perhaps.

Of course the bigger problem remains: being in the middle of an unending sea of political nonsense…

An unhappy woman is sitting in a large plastic trash bin floating in the middle of the ocean
“Cast adrift upon an endless sea of political bile…” — Image by AngryAndrew/MJAI

The Powers of the Right and Left are equally corrupt, and visibly so. Tea baggers and SJWs swim in the same cesspool; misdirecting public attention with hot-button issues, finger pointing empty rhetoric, dragging down not elevating, all apparently oblivious to the verity that our system has essentially merged into a single “uni-party”—a political gestalt available in the attractive colors of blue or red, just as if it were any other consumer product—Focus-group tested and homogenized for the widest market share.

The woke are asleep

The sheep are uncounted

The shepherd is the wolf

A severe looking man in a suit red tie sitting in a red leather chair surrounded by a very angry looking sheep
“Stand and be discounted” — Image by AngryAndrew/MJAI

This is no country for old men, and the young have no country to speak of, as if speech were still allowed. This Orwellian soft-cage of surveillance-culture, the pseudo-woke rewriting of history, the self-entitlement—all terrifying enough. But it is the sickening fascism of censorship, justified under a facade of moralized virtue-signaling, with the brand-name Cancel Culture™, which will ultimately bring the demise and destruction of society.

Any semblance of a reasonable lifestyle we might have known, abruptly dispatched by the deafening screams of cancelling guillotines.

A rabidly angry protester
“Kancel Kulture Karens” — Image by AngryAndrew/MJAI

There is no right to “not be offended”

Such a right has never, and should never, exist. Not in any reasonably free human society. Those who speak what some find offensive, must be allowed to speak; those who find what some say offensive must certainly speak out in return. But Neither has a right to censor; and there is no moral high ground for those who cancel.

Censorship, under the name of cancel-culture, or political-correctness, or sleep-walking pseudo-woke revisionism, is simply the pure evil of ignorance, eternally bonded with self-entitlement.

A swamp with the remains of a civilization a woman in a red dress walks away from camera
“Cancel culture sleepwalking through the swamps of a misty ignorance” — Image by AngryAndrew/MJAI

Will the sleepwalking awaken from their shallow somnambulating sophistry? The alarm clock rings furtively; yet no one hears the plaintive clanging, drowned out by the deafening silence of cancellation.

How loud must the bell be? The sleeping wander entranced by their pseudo-woken slumber, gleefully dreaming inside this Orwellian nightmare, misguided into thinking it’s their utopia of uncounted sheep.

— AngryAndrew

A woman walks through a dream of broken glass
“What shards of glass these dreams be made of” — Image by AngryAndrew/MJAI

#woke #cancelculture #lefty #Right #wearealldoomed #Neoliberal #Neocons #Neoliberalism #democrats #republican #progressive #journalism

A dirty sidewalk near Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood California, on it is a broken suitcase and clothes and other personal belongings strewn about the haphazard way. The owner nowhere to be seen…
A sidewalk just off Hollywood Boulevard, in Hollywood California. Photo by AngryAndrew.



Color-Obsessed Researcher, Investigative Journalist & Columnist, Hollywood Actor, Filmmaker, & 3x Emmy® Winner, and Itinerant Technology Evangelist